How to Apply

Since the Biological Physics and Biophysics research groups at NU are well funded by numerous government agencies (e.g. NSF, NIH, DOE) and foundations, there are many opportunities for paid research positions. This includes opportunities at the undergraduate, graduate (M.S. and Ph.D.) and post-doctoral levels. Most of our faculty are associated with multiple departments, including Physics, Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Bioengineering and Chemical Engineering. Accordingly, it is common for research groups to have students from multiple graduate programs.

Undergraduate Researchers At the undergraduate level, there are many opportunities for students at NU, as well as summer opportunities for students at other universities. These include paid and volunteer opportunities throughout the year, and they can include Co-op positions. Interested students are encouraged to reach out to faculty to inquire about current possibilities.

Graduate Researchers All Ph.D. and M.S. students must be admitted to a specific department through an annual application process (for Fall entry). While all groups will take graduate students from the Department of Physics, the biological physics is intrinsically interdisciplinary, and students from other programs often study in our groups. If you are interested in a specific group/lab, we recommend that you directly contact the principal investigator and discuss the route that is most suitable for your background and scientific goals. If you have questions about graduate studies in physics, please contact the Director of Graduate Studies, Prof. Paul Whitford.

Postdoctoral Researchers If you are interested in a postdoctoral position, you must apply directly to the research group. There is no fixed schedule for applications.