The Department of Physics hosts weekly research seminars throughout the academic year that include trainees (grad students and postdocs), as well as local and visiting faculty speakers. Seminars are held on most Fridays at 12:45pm in Dana Research Center 114. Food is served around 12:30.

Sign up: If you would like to receive announcements about upcoming talks and/or give a weekly seminar, please contact Prof. Paul Whitford (p.whitford@

Schedule of talks for the 2024/2025 academic year

Date Speaker Group/Institution
Sep-13 Micah McCauley Williams
Sep-20 Alex Moffet CTBP
Sep-27 Nicolas Otero Spring
Oct-4 Kai Zhang Spring
Oct-11 Gaurav Bajpai DiPierro
Oct-18 APS NES meeting @ NU!
Oct-25 Joha Joshi Williams
Nov-1 Anh Nguyen Bi
Nov-8 Hung-Yi Li Karma
Nov-15 Mirza Baig Stepanyants
Nov-22 Sina Rasouli Venkatachalam
Nov-29 Thanksgiving
Dec-6 Mike Morse Williams
Winter Break
Jan-10 Ji Tae Park Levine/Spring
Jan-17 Douglas White DiPierro
Jan-24 Sandra Byju Whitford
Jan-31 Sayantani Kayal Bi
Feb-7 Louison Thorens Liao
Feb-14 Bernardo Zubillaga Herrera DiPierro
Feb-21 Liam Price Spring
Feb-28 George Wanes Whitford
Mar-7 Ilana Albert Venkatachalam
Mar-14 no talk
Mar-21 APS Global Summit
Mar-28 Yiwen Tang Bi
Apr-4 Calina Copos
Apr-11 Nate Avish Whitford
Apr-18 Jinmahn Kim Venkatachalam
Apr-25 Velat Inci Levine